China Welcomes Brush-Baby Toothbrushes

Up to 88,000 Chinese trade buyers were entranced by a 3-foot Rabbit with a Brush-Baby toothbrush and a toothy Beaver in an enchanted green forest, at the Chinese Baby & Mother Exhibition (CBME) in Shanghai last week.
bobbie brush baby bunny
Our own Bobby Bunny baby toothbrush was just one of the colourful characters enticing potential customers onto the Brush-Baby stand to learn more about Brush-Baby’s Smart Toothcare products for Babies and Kids, hosted by Brush-Baby’s Chinese distributor TCOAI Trading Company
CBME_2017_-_Kevin_and_team in China childrens toothbrushs toothcare for kids

As Kevin Shaw, Brush-Baby’s International Sales Manager explains; “Brush-Baby’s lively eye-catching characters were the real talking point at CBME and have the making of great mascots for babies and kids oral health. The Brush-Baby oral care range was unique amongst the other 4000 baby and kids brands. YTD Sales have already grown 203% in the region and with keen interest from Chinese buyers and distributors from the wider Far East region, we’re expecting a busy few months following the show. I’m looking forward to using the Chinese format of Brush-Baby on my follow-up correspondence!”

The Bobby Bunny kids toothbrush isn't the only fun character - we have a range of animal kids electric toothbrushes that come with flashing lights and bright colours. Shop our children's electric toothbrush range today.

For further information on trade in China contact or TOCAI Trading