Early Years Tooth Care
To help you gives your children the best start Brush-Baby's developed a 3-step routine that follows the development of baby teeth and unique Brush-Baby products for each step along the way.
We hope that this will help your children to keep the beautiful smiles that they deserve and we all enjoy.
What to remember
- Babies, toddlers and young children are just as prone to gum disease and tooth decay as we are
- They do not have the co-ordination to clean their gums, brush or floss properly until age 6 years
- Tooth decay in a young child causes pain and distress for everyone
- The removal of a baby tooth can mean admission to hospital and a general anaesthetic.
How to look after baby teeth and gums
- Clean your baby's gums from birth
- Keep teething gums clean to avoid gum imflamation and pain
- Brush teeth twice a day, from the first toothÂ
- All children should have their teeth brushed by and adult until they are at least 6 years old
- Introduce flossing once two teeth touch
- Try to use a xylitol AND fluoride toothpasteÂ
- Keep your own teeth and mouth clean
- Don't share toothbrushes or clean your baby's dummy with you own mouth
- Avoid sugary foods and drinks - sugar rots teeth!
And finally…..make it fun!!