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Your baby is unique, just like you, so it’s worth trying a few different teething remedies to find out what does the trick for them. Here are some tips to try:
- Try to keep your little one’s gums and any teeth they have nice and clean - brush twice a day and use DentalWipes on gums. This will ensure no food or bacteria gets stuck around new teeth popping up (which can cause infection).
- Try a bit of barrier cream on your baby’s chin and cheeks to prevent chaffing from all that dribble.
- Teethers and wipes cooled in the fridge (never the freezer!) will be nice and soothing for your baby’s gums. Teething gels, creams or powder can numb sore gums, or for the really tough times you can also give your baby age-appropriate painkillers such as baby paracetamol or ibuprofen. Check with your Health Visitor or on the NHS website for how much you can give them. https://www.nhs.uk/common-health-questions/childrens-health/can-i-give-my-child-painkillers/
- Distraction distraction distraction! Comforting or playing with your baby can help to distract them from discomfort and pain. Sing, dance, listen to music or go for a walk, but maybe not all the same time!
The symptoms of teething in toddlers can be quite painful and can cause your little ones some distress. As their teeth push and break through, their gums become very sore and sensitive.
Using teething toys or chew toys for kids can really help as the biting motion helps their milk teeth come through and also massages the child’s gums which not only encourages blood-flow to that area, but will also aid their teething stages.
It’s actually a myth that teeth cut through gums as they emerge. When a new baby tooth pops up, special chemicals are released that cause the gums to separate and allow the tooth through.
Food or bacteria can get stuck around new teeth popping up and this is what can cause inflammation and discomfort.
Try to keep your little one’s gums and any teeth they have nice and clean by brushing twice a day, as a clean mouth can help to prevent teething pain.
Some babies start teething as early as 3 months, but most will see their first tooth emerging between 6 and 9 months old.
You will notice that baby teeth tend to pop up in cute little pairs – one on the right and one on the left. The lower two front teeth usually appear first, followed by the upper ones, forming the most adorable toothy grin!
By their first birthday, your baby should have around 8 teeth. By the time they are 2&1/2 - 3 years old they will usually they will have all 20 baby teeth. Click here to see the table to show you when to expect different baby teeth.
Sometimes baby teeth start to come through, a little bleeding may happen under the skin. This can cause a small blood blister or bruise to appear on your baby’s gum.
No treatment is usually necessary as it will disappear when the tooth comes through.
However, if your baby or toddler gets a teething blister and it lasts for more than a month without any sign of a new baby tooth, pop along to the dentist for a check-up.